Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween is here!

YAY! I love Halloween!
I also love that fact that we celebrate Halloween at work!
Here are some pictures of the creative and crazy people I work with: Lulu Blog Flickr
Here's a picture of a cake I brought in for the potluck, it's a three-headed monster cake!

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Porn for Women

My Friend Christine sent this to me in an email. I thought it was cute and had to share :)

"Ooh, Look, The NFL playoffs are today. I bet we'll have no trouble parking at the crafts fair."

"I know. Let's take you shoe shopping!"

"Don't want anyone 'falling in' in the middle of the night."

"I don't have to have a reason to buy you flowers."

"Hold that thought for a second. I want to pull over and ask for directions."

"I like to get to these things before I have to be asked."

"Is that the baby? I'll get her."

"As long as I have legs to walk, you'll never have to take out the garbage."

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin's Shameful Record on Wolves

I received this email from a friend of mine and thought I needed to share it. I couldn't watch the video, I know myself better than that.

Please forward this message along.


Tonight Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will accept the Republican nomination for Vice President, a position that would put her second in line to be President of the United States. But before she accepts, I need your help to let America know where she stands on the brutal and needless aerial hunting of wolves and bears.

Watch our new video on Palin's awful record and share it with everyone you know who cares abut wildlife.

Get the facts on Sarah Palin. Watch the video

Warning: This video is extremely disturbing. It contains graphic images of aerial hunting of wolves -- a brutal and needless practice that Governor Palin has fought hard to promote and expand.

Despite strong scientific, ethical and public opposition to aerial hunting, Governor Palin has…

* Proposed paying a $150 bounty for the left foreleg of each dead wolf.
* Approved a $400,000 state-funded propaganda campaign to promote aerial hunting.
* Introduced legislation to make it even easier to use aircraft to hunt wolves and bears.

If you care about wildlife, please watch this video right now -- and then share it with every friend, neighbor, conservationist and wildlife lover you know.
Tonight, all eyes will be on Governor Sarah Palin. Let's make sure the whole nation knows about her awful record on aerial hunting and protecting wildlife.


P.S. Please also share our video on blogs, social networks and elsewhere. I've pasted the link to the video below to help you spread the word:

© Copyright 2008, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh, fuckity fuck fuck.

Most days I don't really think too much about PCOS. It's always there, in the back of my mind, but it's a mild nagging like "you better go to the gym and work hard to reduce those symptoms" or "you shouildn't eat that delicious carb laden food becuase it just aggrevates your symptoms." Sometimes the thoughts are comical, light, and I intentionally try not to get too worked up over this syndrome. There are lots of other things that could be wrong with me and I am a very lucky person to have symptoms a lot less severe than many other women afflicted with this crap. All in all, I've got it pretty damn easy.

But there are days like today, and weeks like this past one which have made it harder to be so relaxed with all the bullshit.

I don't want to go into full details and make this a complaint blog, but I do want my friends to know that if I break plans last minute or if you believe I have become a hermit or ran away to join the nunnery/circus, I haven't. I am most likely in my bed with my cats while my social husband is out having fun at a bbq. Which is exactly what is happening right now.

I wish my damn insides were normal but I'm way past the point of feeling sad, and quickly down the path to punching this PCOS bullshit in the eyeball. Yeah, I said eyeball. Be scared, fucker.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One last attempt!

I started filming Moshing with Melvin in January 2004. It is now August 2008 and the documentary is still not finished. Yesterday I met up with the second person who attempted to edit the film only to realize the task was too great and too difficult. I am realizing that I either need to make this thing happen or just write it off as a learning experience. Documentaries can be a lot more difficult that the standard scripted movie, but on the other hand a really great doc can be life changing.

So here I go again, my last attempt to make this little documentary work. My goal is to get it ready by October to be submitted to Full Frame. I really hope that it makes it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Playing for Keeps - the novel by Mur Lafferty

Hi Everyone!

I don't usually make announcements about books on Amazon, but this is a special case. Actually, a good number of you have asked me to remind you when this book would be available.... here is your official reminder!

My friend and former co-worker Mur Lafferty is an amazing writer and her latest book from Swarm Press is available on Amazon. If you can, please purchase it MONDAY AUGUST 25. A bunch of us Mur supporters are trying to get her Amazon sales rankings up with concentrated sales on MONDAY 8/25, so if you are a fan of the written word, (not so) super heroes, and all things awesome, please purchase a copy! It's ON SALE as I type for $13.45 on Amazon HERE!

Thanks! And please tell everyone you think deserves an awesome book!

Playing For Keeps - Mur Lafferty
The shining metropolis of Seventh City is the birthplace of super powers. The First Wave heroes are jerks, but they have the best gifts: flight, super strength, telepathy, genius, fire. The Third Wavers are stuck with the leftovers: the ability to instantly make someone sober, the power to smell the past, the grace to carry a tray and never drop its contents, the power to produce high-powered excrement blasts, absolute control. over elevators. Bar owner Keepsie Branson is a Third Waver with a power that prevents anything in her possession from being stolen. Keepsie and her friends just aren't powerful enough to make a difference. at least that's what they've always been told. But when the villain Doodad slips Keepsie a mysterious metal sphere, the Third Wavers become caught in the middle of a battle between the egotistical heroes and the manipulative villains. As Seventh City begins to melt down, it's hard to tell the good guys from the bad, and even harder to tell who may become the true heroes.

Mur will be interviewed on The State of Things TUESDAY August 26th on NPR. Tune in at NOON, TUESDAY 8/26 to hear the interview! If you will be away from your radio, you can listen online here either LIVE or later via PODCAST!

Also, if you are attempting to purchase a copy of Playing For Keeps and Amazon tells you the book is sold out, ignore it. The publisher prints books as they are ordered, so you will get your book in a timely manner. I promise :)Please be sure to check out the Playing For Keeps website at and the social networking site for PFK at

Mur's website is

Sunday, August 3, 2008

New site! and BURNED OUT!

Please forgive me if this post is sloppy and makes no sense. I have been working on my NEW WEBSITE for almost 13 hours straight! It looks great, might I add. It's not quite finished, but please feel free to check it out :

I had some difficulty with the domain transfer, but Jeremy helped me out and made the switch for me (he rocks).

Well, I better get off of this computer before my eyes burst into flames (they are burning).

Please, check the site out. Let me know if there is a typo, if I forgot anything, or if you have any ideas on how to make it better.

Oh - also, I am in the process or creatiing a marketing plan for Moshing With Melvin. If you have any ideas, please share!!!


Friday, July 25, 2008

Change (and one example of why I sometimes hate it).

Sometimes I have a hard time with change. The most difficult types of change for me include (but are not limited to) lifestyle, loss, and surroundings. Saturday, Matt and I will be moving into a new apartment. This week has been difficult and stressful because my surroundings are chaotic, which means it's almost impossible for me to maintain my healthy lifestyle changes (eating well and exercising), and while I hate that my current apartment is geographically far removed from EVERYTHING, at least things work and are clean - beneath the boxes and chaos, anyway. I am scared to be leaving the apartment that I know, especially after actually finally seeing the apartment that I will be living in.

When Matt and I decided to take over a lease we found on Craigslist, we were ecstatic. The poster said that she was going through a divorce and needed to break her lease. It sounded like a great deal: It was closer to work for me (approx the same distance to work for Matt), it had a pool, a gym, a dishwasher, washer/dryer, and rent included extended cable (all things that we love about our current apartment), and it was a three bedroom for $720! A great way for Matt and I to continue to save money for our first home. The Craigslist poster was in a hurry to get us to agree to take over her lease, as she needed to give 30 days notice to the leasing office that she would be leaving. Of course with the short notice and conflicting work schedules between Matt, the Craigslist poster and myself, we were never able to actually SEE her apartment. We were very wary about signing a lease for an apartment that we hadn't seen, so Anna (the Craigslist poster) sent us digital images via her blackberry. Even though these pictures were exceptionally pixelated, I noticed that *every room* had a different color of paint on the walls. Anna assured me that these would be painted back before we moved in - I have that in writing. We were still a bit concerned about signing a lease for an apartment that we couldn't see in person so the leasing office showed us a 2 bedroom model, in order to give us an idea of the type of apartments they have. The apartment was great, and we were excited to move!

Yesterday, Matt and I met at the leasing office after work to transfer the lease into our name. After we signed the official lease, the leasing agent informed us that Anna was only able to paint one of the bedrooms. I groaned. Think The Yellow Wallpaper by Gilman. The living room walls are yellow (YELLOW) and our sectional is purple. Barf.

We got our keys and went up to check out our apartment. First, I was assaulted by the worst odor I have ever smelled in my life. Anna left a jar of some god-forsaken oil with sticks hanging out of it. I couldn't even recognize the smell, only that it was seriously turning my stomach and making me gag. I picked it up and took it outside immediately. In the process of removal I must have accidentally touched some of the oil, because 15 hours later and NUMEROUS washings I STILL cannot get the smell off of my hand! Then I realized that not only was the living room a BRIGHT uneven YELLOW, but the master bedroom was a disgusting green, the computer room was now an uneven purple (instead of the original pink - she doesn't know how to use primer), the kitchen had two stupid racks screwed into the walls which left holes when we removed them, the kitchen and dining room are yellow, and the guestroom is a color I don't even recognize. And, for some reason which I will never understand, she PAINTED THE LENOLIUM COUNTER TOPS IN THE KITCHEN. Who does that???? Seriously? You don't paint lenolium with LATEX PAINT. And, for the love of god - who paints an apartment????

Ok, so the place needs to be painted and it smells. Fine. But, upon further inspection I am growing more and more angry. The fridge door is missing the handle needed to open it, the counter tops that aren't painted are dirty and stained, the cabinets were painted a while ago and are dirty and chipping, there is an obvious replacement square of carpet right as you enter (not to mention various spots and stains throughout), the closet door in the hallway is broken and leaning against the shelves, I can't get the screen door on the patio to close, the bathroom cabinets are REALLY OLD, the master bedroom top of the drain stop is missing, the guest bedroom has a GIGANTIC wood fan, which I imagine Anna installed herself, because it doesn't match any of the other fans in the apartment and is better suited for a large Ski resort, the closet door in the computer room refuses be set back in it's track, and the stove looks like it is from 1970 and is dirty and missing knobs, AND THE ENTIRE PLACE IS DIRTY. ACCCCCK! Needless to say, I am VERY UNHAPPY.

Matt and I went back to the leasing office and explained that the place needed to be painted, and since we are moving in on Saturday, we would like it to be done ASAP. The agent said that Anna would pay for that, and that she would see if she could get the painters in on Friday (Today). On the way to get some dinner, the leasing agent called and said the painters would definitely come Friday (YAY!). I picked up a sage smudge stick at Whole Foods for $10, hoping that this would clear out all the negative divorce and stupidity vibes. Matt and I traveled back to the new apartment, burnt the sage and left a note asking the painters to fill the holes in the wall and paint ALL the walls in the apartment. We also left them a coupon for a free pizza and some beer and water in the fridge. Hopefully our bribes will work. I'll find out after work.

Currently I am assembling a laundry list of things for the maintenance crew to fix and another laundry list of cleaning supplies that must be picked up to make that apartment inhabitable. I'm trying with all my might to not put my left hand too close to my nose (that horrible smell won't go away!) but it's growing eceedingly more difficult not to drop my head in my hands with each new addition to my maintenance/cleaning supply lists.

Oh, I hate change sometimes.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

For the sake of a new post...

"I hate faux hawks. Stupid NHL players went from the mullet to the stupid faux hawk." - another hair statement made by Matt Kenney

So, I haven't written in a while, but I'm still alive. Matt and I decided t hold off on buying our first home. The economy is pretty terrible right now and we are too scared to buy. Maybe next year...

Haven't been up to much. Nothing interesting to report. I started boxing. Will be moving to Durham next week.

That's all for now.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Twitter ROCKS!

I don't know if you have heard of twitter or not, but let me introduce you!

Twitter is a site that constantly updates you on what your friends and family are doing. It's a page of updates from your loved ones that you can access from the web, your phone (via text messaging) or IM.

You can see my twitter on the right side of my blog. Sign up is really easy, and they don't need much information from you. Twitter is only worthwhile if your friends and family sign up and USE it, so please click "follow me on twitter" under my twitter updates on the right on this page


If you would like more information on twitter, visit
There is a cute little video that explains twitter better than I can.


Friday, May 2, 2008

crazy week so far

Saturday I shot and edited a PSA for Open BBQ Open Jam.
I think it went very well. Every year, my pal Matt Frye and his Friend Stan put on this event for a different cause. This year OBOJ is highlighting IntraHealth. To learn more about IntraHealth, go here: This year's OBOJ will be held at Smokey's BBQ Shack in Morrisville, NC on June 14th from 11am to Sunset. For more information, visit
You can see the PSA here or on local NBC17.

Sunday I drove to Maryland with my Mom, Sister Ann and Matt to see Grandma.
She looked just as cute as always, and it was nice to spend the day with the ladies - and Matt. We listened to Paying For Keeps the entire ride there and back, and it ROCKED! If you still haven't read this or listened to the podcast, you have got to! What are you waiting for, it's free!

Monday was OBAMA!! rally in Chapel Hill. So freaking awesome!
Obama was amazing. It was great to see the Smith Center at UNC packed to the brim. I was lucky enough to be one of the first 100 people inside along with a bunch of my friends, so we were on the floor 10 feet away from Obama! It was great! He talked about how the gas holiday was a joke and that it would only save us approx $30 in total. The money accumulated from the gas tax goes to the Department of Transportation for our roads and bridges. A gas tax holiday, even if only for the three months that McCain and Clinton are hoping for, would result in the loss of 3,000 DOT jobs. There is something terribly wrong when politicians think it is OK to lay more people off when we are going into a recession, especially if it will only save drivers $30. I would rather pay the extra tax! I'm really sick of politicians saying what they think I want to hear, when it is so obvious that they don't care about us at all. I wish this primary was over already.

Tuesday was low key.
My legs needed to relax a little from standing in the same place for hours and hours and hours......

Wednesday was another doctor visit that went better than expected.

I saw the OB/GYN PCOS/Fertility expert. He assured me that if and when I was ready to have children, it was very possible. Just not to wait until 37 or older. He did say that fertility treatments can be very expensive and result in multiple births. Scary!

Thursday was walk around Carrboro with my sweetie day.

We ate dinner at Weaver Street Market and had a good 'ol time hippy watching. Some girl kept eating a salad with her fingers. I wanted to throw a fork at her!

And today has been the workday that just won't end!

I have recently fallen in love with an awesome Pilates DVD and I have to suggest it to you! It's called the 10 Minute Solution Slim & Sculpt Pilates. This is by far the best fitness DVD I have ever purchased. I haven't seen any results yet, this morning was only my third morning doing the DVD, but what I love about it is that you are given the option to do as much as 50 minutes or as little as 10 minutes. The DVD allows you to create your own workout from the 5 different Pilates segments. So, say I want to do two segments - abs and lower body, no problem! And it's only 20 minutes! I really have no excuse not to exercise every morning now! And you get a resistance band with the DVD too. So awesome! I can really tell I'm doing some serious strength training with that band. I got my copy at Walmart for 10 bucks. So cheap and convenient!

I love my new pedometer!

Look at my stats!
Daily Goal 10,000 steps

Ths: 5/1 - 12,456 (413 calories) 4.71 miles
Wed: 4/30 - 10,006 (327 calories) 3.79 miles

Tus: 4/29 - 2,802 (104 calories) 1.06 miles - took a break that day, tired feet!

Mon: 4/28 - 4,295 (154 calories) 1.62 miles - stuck in the same spot for 7 hours (Obama rally)
Sun: 4/27 - 1,375 (43 calories) .52 miles - Stuck in car all day
Sat: 4/26 - 3,906 (132 calories) 1.47 miles - PSA day
Fri: 4/25 - 10,077 (327 calories) 3.81 miles

7 days = 44,917 steps / 1,500 calories / 16.98 miles

Friday, April 25, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I Have Had Enough!

I was on my daily walk today during my lunch break and Have You Had Enough by Maxwell/Mosher (of the Squirrel Nut Zippers fame) came on my iPod and I thought, "Wow, this is extremely relevant! I should share this on my blog!!"

I love M/M, not only because Tom and Ken are super awesome and super kind guys, but their music is totally kick ass!

Had Enough, as wikipedia says anyways, was created in 2006 urging people to vote to get the crooks out of the white house.

You can download the song here for free, but if you like it a lot please buy their album!

The Stephanie Miller show

I love her! And today I just realized that I an listen to her at work :)

It airs from 9am-12pm. It's free! And HILARIOUS!

If you want to listen, go here:
Click on the option at the bottom right (the free option). Create an account and listen :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earthling Day

It's Earth Day! And since I've started this path to be more granola, I thought I would share some things that I have learned along the way!

Did you know that when you ingest Aspartame, your body turns it into embalming fluid? No fucking shit! Originally I heard about this in Skinny Bitch, but a little bit o' research on the web produces the same results. Stay away from artificial sweeteners, they are the devil.

Did you know that organic foods are are safer, have more anti-oxidants and better tasting! When you eat foods that aren't organic, the pesticides build up in your body. It's true! If you haven't switched to organic yet, what are you waiting for?

So, I went to a PCOS specialist 1.5 weeks ago and that was pretty damn depressing. I hadn't realized how fucked up this syndrome was, but it appears I am up against some pretty horrible health issues. Good thing I was diagnosed before diabetes or heart disease kicked in. Sadly I was told that if I wanted children I should have started in my 20s. WTF?!? Anyway, I'm trying to kick this thing in the ass and you can help!

Here's how:
When you see me, suggest that we do something that requires energy! I know, I am probably one of the laziest people you know, but it will help me, I swear.

Don't offer me alcoholic beverages (ok, maybe just one) because the fact of the matter is that shit really screws up my blood sugar, and I am trying *not* to become diabetic.

Another thing that will help.... don't give me ice cream! I love ice cream, like nobody's business, but ice cream is the devil.

Volunteer to come on hikes/walks with me. I love this stuff! I have been walking a lot lately, I even got an awesome pedometer at my Dr.s suggestion. Goal is to walk 10,000 steps a day. Haven't quite made it that far yet, but right now I am at 5,859. Half way there!

Learn about PCOS - seriously, you could have it too! It is one of the most misdiagnosed syndromes out there. So little is known about it that it was featured on Mystery Diagnosis on Discovery Health.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A cat playing the theremin

Thank you for showing me this David!!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008


I love gnomes gnomes gnomes!

Check out this article!
You have to watch the video too! Poor little guy probably just wanted some beer!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

i am so freaking white!

this is my new favorite blog

Sunday, March 2, 2008

editor/co-director needed

anytime i need something, i go to craigs list.
this time i posted an ad looking for an editor/co-director to help me finish my mwm doc. i have had three responses so far. i'm pretty damn excited!
i just told matt the good news.
he said "three responses? i hope they're not rapists."
he's got high-hopes for this film.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Veggie and Vegan HOT WINGS recipe!

I love the Spotted Dog.
If you haven't been there, they have a great selection of delicious vegetarian, vegan and meat-eater dishes. My favorite dish, by far, is their Veggie Hot Wings. After a few attempts, I can finally say that I have a Veggie Hot Wing recipe that rivals! And it's a lot cheaper!

My Favorite Veggie Hot Wings Recipe
Serves 6

2 Bags of Delight Soy Nuggets
1 cup Franks Red Hot Sauce
1/2 cut of *butter or margarine
1 Tsp Garlic powder
1 Tbsp Chili Powder
1.5 Tbsp *Honey (leave out Honey to make these Vegan)
Celery and *Bleu Cheese

In a large pot, combine Frank's Red Hot Sauce, butter, garlic powder, chili powder and honey. Heat until desired temperature.

At the same time, in a large skillet with a little bit of hot Olive Oil fry the Soy Nuggets until crispy, flipping as necessary. Dab excess Olive Oil from Soy Nuggets and toss into Hot Sauce pot. Mix until evenly coated and serve on a plate garnished with celery and bleu cheese!

*To make these Vegan: substitute butter with a non-dairy butter alternative, use half Tbsp of brown sugar, and try this Vegan Bleu Cheese recipe (I haven't tried it yet):

1/4 C extra firm or firm tofu crumbled, drained, patted dry
1 large garlic clove minced
1/4 C lemon juice
1/2 C vegan mayo (Vegenaise)
2 T tahini
2 tsp white miso
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
2 T fresh parsley
2 tsp fresh chives (dry is just fine)
pinch pepper and salt
soymilk if you like it thin

Crumble tofu, mix it all up, let it sit a bit, ENJOY
Also thrown it all in the blender to great success.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

mohwaks in the future

Matt asked me a very important question the other day... he said why is it that in movies, people in the future always have mohawks?
I think that is a very good question, especially when you think about how much work it takes to sculpt a really kick-ass mohawk. In the future, it appears that people are very busy fighting things... when do they find the time?

Not much happening here.... turns out I'm a bad driver, and I rear-ended someone Friday on the way home from work. Not much damage to the car. Scratches is all. I screwed my neck up some, and got some muscle relaxers that made me sleep the whole weekend.
I haven't taken them since.
Is your neck supposed to make crunching noises at the base of your skull? This is a serious question....... not sure if I should be alarmed.

I just got back from my ninja class. Thats all I can say about that.

Why is it when someone says "You did a bang-up job," it means something good? I did a bang-up job on my car, and my neck is crunchy. I don't think thats a good thing.

I had my annual physical Monday. Apparently I'm a big fattie bombalattie... and I have high cholesterol. I convinced my doc not to put me on cholesterol pills (I'm only 30 and I'm a freaking vegetarian... give me a break) if I met with a nutritionist. I'll be meeting one next Wednesday. I am not fond of her phone manners, but I suck on the phone anyway. So maybe she is not fond of my phone manners too. I hope she doesn't punch my face when I meet her.

As a gift you to for reading this much crap so far, I present to you your very own personalized ring tones! I made a ring tone of an snmnmnm song. Just follow the directions on the site.... and don't worry, it is free!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Politics of Politics

We have the right to vote. Every American has the right to vote thanks to the radical idea that all *people* are created equal. Women weren't able to vote until 1920. Blacks were finally given the right to vote in 1965. I find it amazing that my mother went to school during desegregation, and that my oldest sister was an infant when blacks were given the right to vote. This country has a long history of racism and sexism, and the dust of injustice has never actually settled.

Given the above facts, this election proves to be one of the most ground breaking elections of our lifetime.

Barack Obama is ahead in the polls, and people are coming out in record breaking numbers just to vote in the primaries. Obama has so many people supporting him that the term "Obamacans" has been created to identify Republicans for Obama.

The idealist in me cries almost every time I hear Obama speak. Critics accuse his words of hope and inspiration as being empty and without proper foundation. I guess some folks would be happier with "politics as usual" where the majority of us citizens feel like our vote doesn't count so we don't even bother to get to the polls. I am here to tell you that many, many people died and sacrificed everything they had so that we could all have an equal voice. Don't throw it away.

As promised, here is a general breakdown of all the candidates and where they stand on the issues. Information taken from

Republican Party Candidates:
Mike Huckabee facts
John McCain facts
Ron Paul facts

Democratic Party Candidates:
Hillary Clinton facts
Barack Obama facts

Green Party Candidate:
Cynthia McKinney facts

Socialist Party Candidate:
Brian Moore facts

Saturday, February 16, 2008

dirty thirty

I am absolutely amazed that anyone reads this thing! You must be really bored!

I have the most wonderful friends, without a doubt! Last night was awesome (to be sung in falsetto). I was graced with the presence of Ro, Thom & Becky (who made the most fabulous birthday cake ever), Katy, Jet, Matt & Julie, Irene, Seamus, JJ & Sasha, and my sweetie. I had an unbelievably good time. The Federal proved to be one of my new favorite hangouts. The atmosphere is great, my only complaint is there isn't much on the menu for vegetarians unless you want to fill up on pasta. I spent $8 on a plate that had 3 pieces of cheese, a bit of salad, and a partial bagette.

After the Federal, the remaining folks went to Duke Coffee House to hear T. Rox and Snmnmnm. I only heard a little bit of T. Rox, but they sounded good. Snmnmnm borrowed T. Rox's drummer Gary for a few songs. Gary is unbelievably talented, but it still makes me sad when I look up there and don't see Matt V. Mark played drums for a little bit, and he was pretty darn good. I think all of those guys just have a natural knack with all instruments. I guess thats what happens when you go to Eastman.

I also became a huge fan of Irene's dancing, as it is like nothing I have ever seen before in my life! Becky and I cut the rug for a little bit, Thom had a break dance face-off with a cute girl, and Jet broke it down - James Brown. Matt did his interpretavive ROBOT dance (the reason I married him, by the way - I am not kidding about this), and the crowd loved it.

Afterwards, we hung around and talked politics with some awesome kids. I "bragged" about my socialist background to a kid who wrote "Workers of the world unite" on his arms in sharpie only to discover that he didn't write it there because he is a socialist. I forgot the reason he wrote it. For his sake, I hope it comes off soon. Messy handwriting.

After that, we ventured home.

This morning I realized I drank a little too much, but my hangover has pretty much subsided. I don't drink often these days. The medication I take for PCOS is supposed to help my body regulate my insulin levels, and when I do drink I seem to get drunk a lot easier and my body gets really angry at me. But, I figured it's my birthday, dammit. Bring on the rum and diet!

I am looking forward to seeing my family today. Not sure when they are getting in town, but I have a feeling I will be eating dinner at my mom's with everyone. I should probably get in the shower already, it's almost 2:00 pm. Matt is sleeping, and most likely Patches is somewhere near by snoring.

Last night I promised Ro that my next blog post would be a general breakdown of the presidential candidates. Unfortunately Ro is a disenfranchised voter. It's going to take some work to get him to go to the polls, but I'll do my best. Because I didn't get that post done today, I promise it will be my next one.

To all of you who came out last night, I really want to thank you for making my 30th birthday celebration a very happy one. I am unbelievably lucky to know you people, and even luckier that you talk to me in public, despite my horrendous odor problems. I love you all! Becky and Thom, thank you so much for planning this. Your cake was unbelievable and thanks to you, my birthday celebration was awesome!

- I promise to post pictures soon! I keep forgetting to bring the camera with me! Dammit!

paws for a second and take a look!

There are so many worthy furry companions at your local animal shelter.
Why not give one a good home?

Friday, February 15, 2008

No Country For Old Ladies

Ok, so I have the sweetest husband on the planet. Apparently, he has declared this week my Birthday week, and has been spoiling me all week. Last night I came home from getting my hair did to find the apartment cleaned and flowers and a card waiting for me! What a sweetie. Then we went to Ming Garden for dinner and saw No County For Old Men. Let me tell you, that movie was AWESOME! All the actors were incredible, and the lead bad guy was so freaking insane and brilliant. I think this is my new favorite movie!

I know what you're thinking, not a very romantic movie to watch on Valentine's Day. But hey, we saw Brokeback Mountain 2 years ago on Valentine's Day and that was DEPRESSING! It was good, but holy crap! Maybe next V-Day we'll see a hilarious documentary on child abuse or maybe something cheery and bright about the holocaust.

My hair cut leaves a lot to be desired. This is my second time with this stylist, and I think it will be my last. She has a hard time listening to what I want and just seems to give me whatever the hell she thinks is best. I'm not saying I hate it, but it's just not what I wanted. I brought in two photos, one of Tina Fey and one of some other chick. My hair looks nothing like either of them! Oh well. Live and learn, and get a new stylist. Maybe I'm just pissed because this is the first time I have had to professionally get my hair dyed to cover up gray. Freaking oldie-locks.
Today is the start of my 4 day weekend, woot woot! My company is pretty awesome and they give you your birthday off as a floating holiday. That coupled with President's Day on Monday and I have a looong weekend. I am especially excited because my two brothers and my brother's family are coming down from NY this weekend. The three of us have birthdays this month too. Today is Dave's birthday. SWEEEEET!

Have I mentioned how much I freaking love Becky? Let me tell you! Well, my husband doesn't have the best memory in the world. He tried to plan a birthday celebration for me on the same night he has to play a show. It's ok, what he lacks in planning, he makes up for with his good looks, sparkling personality and doing the dishes :) Becky saw this and reworked the plans and invited a bunch of folks to The Federal in Durham for dinner tonight, and then to the Snmnmnm show at Duke Coffee House. Thanks Becky! I am so excited to get to hang with my homies! And if you are reading this, you should come too!

Today I have to go to the DMV and get a new license. Then Matt and I are going to the Credit Union to ask them what we need to do to buy a house. We are hoping to be able to buy a house when our lease is up in August. Chapel Hill is too expensive so we're looking to move somewhere in Durham. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we are going to a workshop for first-time home buyers. It's free and they tell you everything you need to know about buying a house for the first time. At the advice of my ever -knowledgeable brother-in-law, I have become a receipt nazi and now track all expenses and budget everything.

If you are reading this and also want to buy a house, here are things I have learned so far:
  • Know your credit report. Challenge everything on there. Only pay creditors after the challenged item fails AND you have, IN WRITING, a statement from them that after they receive payment they will remove all information from your credit report. If you pay the amount you owe without this statement, they update the info that you were delinquent, and even though it is now paid off it stays on your credit report for another 7 years - or longer! And if you have credit cards, make sure that you have more than half of your balance paid off when you try to get a loan.
  • Create a budget. Save all of your receipts for a month - all of them! You need to know where you are spending money before you can know where to cut back and by how much. After a month of keeping receipts, create a budget. I found an awesome budget template at
And thats what I've got so far! We are still in the beginning stages of becoming first time home buyers. I am sure we will learn more at the workshop next week.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

dryer sheet for my head

11:04 am - sitting at my desk with my scarf wrapped around my neck and my pea coat draped over my shoulders. Why can't the planet decide what temperature NC is supposed to be in February??? It was so nice out a few days ago, t-shirt weather. This morning I wore a t-shirt thinking it would be t-shirt weather. It's not and I'm freezing.
To top it off, my head looks like a porcupine, the vampires at the doctors office stole more of my blood (5 viles - no kidding), and I think I'm getting a headache.

I listened to Mur's and Jason's podcast last week, Geek Fu Morning Show
and they mentioned that they were thinking about doing a This Day In Alternate History DVD. I am all for it! Oh, and because I love the Mur so much, I am demanding that you go to her site and download her totally FREE and totally AWESOME audio novel Playing For Keeps. The last episode airs this Thursday. Matt and I are HUGE fans. Don't miss out, start from the beginning and you'll be hooked.

11:32 Revelation. Atomic fireballs curb coughing.
11:35 New revelation. Atomic fireballs don't entirely curb coughing, but they are atomically delicious.

11:45 Revelation. People on forums whine a lot. They can also be very stupid and lazy.

11:48 Jeremy sent me this video
11:53 Video was disturbing. Reminded me of a student film I did, but mine was less fancy. I also realized that Jeremy is probably not working.

11:55 I'm now hot. I blame the atomic power of the fireball. Will remove my coat but not my scarf. There is no logic associated with keeping my scarf on.

12:03 I realize Jeremy is bored.

Carol: disturbing
Jeremy: yeah, it's a cry against Arbonne sales people, and technology
Carol: hahahahahahaha
it's a cray for a plot
dammit I MEAN CRY!!!!!!!
Jeremy: not everything can be as straight forward as Grey's Anatomy
Carol: hey, that's your show. don't push it on me
you're so damn pushy
push push push
pushy push pushy push
Jeremy: I like Scrubs. Don't you EVER accuse me of liking Greay's Anatomy. I was insulting the sort of gay show you must watch in order to have such a dim view of indie 3D shorts about the beauty myth and our reach for technology!
Jeremy: It used to be my job at XXXX to read all the forums, everywhere.
Carol: oh dear god
Jeremy: yeah, and Linux users SUUUCK
Jeremy: they're to cranky what Shiite is to Muslim
Carol: no, i "oh dear god"ed the fact that you like scrubs
Jeremy: Don't.
Carol: i did!
Jeremy: I will kill you.
Carol: really??
could you do it soon, please
Jeremy: I like the music. You'd like it, it's full of corny and slapstick humor, and hardly anyone dies, and when they do, they often get a big send off, like this one chick had a whole musical number.
No. I will do it when you least expect it. Like on your death bed.
Carol: i remember that episode
Jeremy: I'll put a banana in your trache hole.
Carol: btw, thats the lamest time to kill someone
Jeremy: You'll SPLODE!
Carol: i'll shower you with banana sucka
Carol: no, but I take it you have a lot of experience in this area
Jeremy: I would actually just go four days without bruching my teeth, and then blow into the trach hole.
Carol: wow, i feel sick
Jeremy: CO2 and halitosis poisoning. Then I'd plug it with a rubber drain stopper. NO... with a tea kettle whistle, so I can hear it
Carol: wow, have you been planning this for a while?
Carol: i kinda feel special
Jeremy: Forum duty still sucks worse.
Dude... I spend allll day thinking about killing you.
Carol: hey, did you poison those fireballs? i don't feel so good. it has nothing to do with your daily threats on my life
Jeremy: I, Pirate. U, Ninja. It is our destiny.
Carol: saaaay what? no way
Jeremy: for realz? nope, those are legit. remember, I won;t make a play on your life until you're like 80
Carol: ninjas kill first.
Jeremy: bring it.
Carol: when I'm 80, you'll be too old to kill me
Jeremy: I have thwarted like 12 of your sneak attacks.
Jeremy: noisy bell bottoms and giggling always give you away
Carol: youre are 20 years older than me, sucka
Jeremy: I will be awakened from my criogenic slumber
Jeremy: 20? yeowch.
Jeremy: In that case, you're of normal height.
Carol: yeah, totally. i'm only 15
OW! that hurt
you know what? I like letting my feet dangle from the chair without hitting the floor.
don't be jealous
hey smellery, can i put this conversation in my blog?
LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!! see ya!

Jeremy never responded to tell me it *wasn't* ok to post this conversation. You snooze you lose, buddy.

At lunch, Katy was nice enough to give me one of her super-fancy-delicious yogurts with honey. It was super AWESOME.
I then ventured into the mens room to do my bidness. Was momentarily frightened by the spritz of air freshener. I think the name of this blog should be switched to The Misadventures Of Waffle Housel, or Awkward Turtle Moments.

My belly still hurts.

I think this blog is probably long enough. Amy's blog has a purpose. Who would do such a thing? That girl's crazy. Amy and I are friends IRL. Now Katy knows what that means. Sometimes, I think to myself that maybe Katy isn't nearly as geeky as the rest of the geek school kids. It's a little sad :( There is so much potential.
Anne-Marie, another IRL friend is full with knowledge on topics I never thought about. Do you know what an awkward turtle is? Do you know what the monetary value of a human life is? Go ask Anne-Marie.

I should really do some work, I guess.

Monday, February 11, 2008

sick day.

today is a sick day. it's also my first day on my new blog.
i'm turning 30 sunday, and just yesterday i spotted a billion gray hairs in one section on my head. i had a mini freak out. i've been going gray since i was 24, but i have never been 30 years old with gray hair. wtf?
not sure what else to write, so i'll make a list of things i want to do my in thirtieth year on this planet:
  • find someone to work with me to finish mwm documentary
  • submit mwm to full frame and sundance and other festivals
  • start online classes at ecu for my bs of communications
  • be a better, healthier, more granola vegetarian
  • buy a house
  • improve my credit
  • attend yoga classes at the gym
  • get a combination lock for my locker
  • be a better friend
  • stick to my budget
  • organize stuff
  • learn to cook stuff
  • have fun!